The Deviant Page 21
He kept his eyes on her, gauging her reactions no doubt, and his sexy smile filled her with jumpy butterflies. He stroked her clit with skill, as if fine tuning a string instrument.
“Pussy so wet… I hate to see you go, but love to see you cum, Suri. Thoughts of you keep me aroused all day. Just hearing your name makes me hard.”
She gyrated to his touch until the waterfall between her legs poured forth, immersing them both. Incoherent words tumbled out of her mouth. She shook violently. Uncontrollably. She handed him the keys to her inhibitions. Cradling the back of her head, he kissed her earlobe, neck, and collarbones. He trailed his lips to her breasts, sucking them with heated need, serving delectable kisses.
“You are Sin. For. Me. A symphony. You’re my deviancy covered in diamonds and gold. Since you’re on birth control, and we’ve both been tested, can I be deep inside of you tonight, baby? No barriers?”
She shuddered as he grinded against her, the heat from his mouth comforting her with each damn word.
“Yes, baby…”
He drifted lower, shifting his weight, getting situated, but kept his eyes on her – intensity and lust in their depths, head over heels in love.
“Oh… GOD. Oh, my God!” She fell apart when he lunged inside of her. The feel of him, in the purest form, raw, was like heaven on Earth. She spun on her axis, head tilted as he kept her steady, stroking her up and down, lifting her into another cosmos with each thrust. His tongue lapped at a hard nipple, then he enveloped it in his mouth as he made love to her with all that he had in him. Anthony David’s ‘Sweet Pain’ began to play and like a light switch, her baby fell inside the music, singing the lyrics in her ear before pushing her down onto her back.
“Keep your legs wrapped around me, baby.” His face flushed in deeper hues as he moved his delicious dick in and out of her. He moved in circles, then counter-clockwise, working her over like a pussy professional.
“King, how’d you learn to fuck like this? Damn!” she slurred as she fucked him back.
“It’s better when you do it with someone you care about. It also helps that I’ve had lots of practice.” He winked at her while he thrust slow and easy, then sped it up, every now and again slowing to kiss her. “You feel so damn good. Minha musa… te amo.”
“Yes, baby…” Whatever he said sounded so sexy. “I called you my muse… and I love you.”
“Te amo. Did I say it right?” Her orgasm built and he sped up the pace.
“Te amo, too.” He laughed. “You’ve got me speaking in a foreign language. Your love is so good, baby.”
He placed his hand above her head and began to pump hard and fast, their bodies cemented together and grave concentration now in his eyes. She matched his pace, her pussy stretching to accommodate him, feed his need. Damn. The way he manhandled her when he approached his climax was nothing short of frighteningly delightful. It made her love it all the more… to be taken like that, lusted after with such intensity. Wanted. Cherished. Loved.
Such was the life of a muse.
She closed her eyes as he pressed his weight into her, her body jeered forcefully towards the headboard as he had his way with her.
“Hurts so good, baby! Don’t stop, King… my King… my baby…”
“I’m your king, huh?”
“You know you are.”
“I better be. Just me and you. I own this pussy, baby. These soft, pretty breasts… That ass… But most importantly, your heart belongs to me. I’m your man. We’re together. It’s official.”
“It’s official.” She smiled up at him.
He kissed her, slid a pillow under her ass, then placed his palm against the headboard. King rose up slightly, anchoring his body just so, and looked deep into her eyes. Her breath hitched, and then her scream rang out…
“Shit! You’re hitting my spot!” He re-entered her from an angle, drumming her G-spot in just the right way. She gripped him hard, unable to control herself as she shattered into a million ripples, coming up for air in his ocean. Her body trembled, and she didn’t realize he’d moved away from her until she felt him push gently on her thighs. Then, the slip of a tongue along the length of her pussy as he tasted her and drank her juices, moaning at each turn. His deep voice radiated through her as he held her tighter. When he turned her loose, her body was limp, her mind spinning. Ecstasy filled her.
Intertwining their fingers, he spread her wings and made her fly.
They locked eyes as he entered her again, drove within her like a train barreling down the track.
I love this man. It’s crazy how much I love him.
“There are so many things I want to do with you, Suri. I can’t wait.” As he spoke, the warmth of his breath curled against her skin. “I wanna grow with you, baby.” Her pussy pulsed with each demanding thrust. He fell down upon her, hugging her close as he pushed inside. So. Damn. Deep.
“King… please… I want to feel it, baby… I want to feel it!”
She gave herself to him. All of her.
He plunged hard, deeper and faster, pounding, sweating, cursing… then stopped on a dime. He gripped her so tight, she couldn’t speak or move, but simply felt him flooding her zone as he came in hard spurts. He groaned and stiffened against her, shaking as he emptied his essence within her walls. They lay together, his cock throbbing inside her, their limbs loose and now cold, hearts galloping in sync. Holding on, they studied one another, falling deeper in love.
Before she knew it, they’d fallen asleep and she was only awakened when he was sliding out of her. Getting to his feet, he tucked her under the sheets with the gentlest of care.
“Are you leaving, baby?” she asked, rubbing her eyes, half asleep.
“No. I brought a bag over, remember?” he said in a hushed tone. “I’m hungry. I was heading to your kitchen to fix something.”
“Without asking me if I wanted any?” She smirked as she stretched, yawned, and sat up.
“I don’t even know what you have. I was planning to whip us both something up. Now, I’m not the best cook, but I can do a little somethin’. Do you have eggs, bacon and pancake batter? Maybe some bread for toast?”
“Frozen blueberry pancakes in the freezer and a half a loaf of bread. Eggs, yeah, about 5 or 6 left, and some turkey bacon. A full pack. I just bought it. Seasonings are in the cabinet above the sink.”
“That’ll work.” He slid on his boxer-briefs, then leaned over and kissed her forehead before leaving her to rest, immersed in sexual and emotional bliss. In the distance, she could hear the pots and pans rattling and him humming. He was happy, even in the midst of his troubles.
Suri, you’ve gotten in way over your head.
I haven’t felt this excited about a man in so long. I can’t even remember the last time. Well, he didn’t get fired, so that’s good. It’s not like he’s back at square one. His lawyer thinks this case his brother has pulled is a bunch of B.S. and he can get him off. Now he says that Tomas has filed a restraining order, too. I can tell King hates what happened. Not so much for Tomas, but for his mother and stepfather. I swear, family can be a mess sometimes. Worse than a stranger on the street.
She sat up and turned on the nightstand lamp, the candle still burning strong. After a while, she went to freshen up in the restroom and slip into a nightgown. Her man kept singing as he cooked those eggs and bacon at one in the morning. She got back under the sheets, and spotted the journal he’d drawn in. She reached for it and flipped through the pages, one by one, wanting to see them again.
King is such a talented man. He whipped this out so fast. It would take most people at least a few days to draw even one of these. And they look so realistic.
Her smile slowly faded when her gaze landed on the last page. She hadn’t seen that particular one. When did he draw this? It must’ve been when I was asleep…
It was a picture of a man and a woman pulling a child between them, yanking him in bot
h directions. The little black-haired boy had a pained expression on his face, his limbs stretched to the limit, tears streaming down his face as he screamed. But, neither parent seemed to notice as they mean mugged one another. That’s him as a child with his biological parents! The sketch throat-punched her, stole her voice. Her stomach churned and knotted, and she fought the urge to cry.
She slowly closed the journal and placed it back on the nightstand.
“Do you want orange juice, baby?” he called out, snatching her out of her thoughts.
“Uh, no, thank you, sweetie. Just water is fine.”
She hugged herself, needing that touch.
“I gotta hook up with Ricky later in the week. He says he wants me to meet with someone about some shirt designs. You wanna come with me?”
“Hell, yeah! I might need to steal something and use it in one of my staging decorating gigs. You can’t trust me around your shit, King. Don’t say you weren’t warned.”
She could hear him laughing. And then, she smiled.
The Shirt off Your Back
“Nice to meet you,” Suri extended her hand to shake the Columbian gentleman’s hand with enough swag to set the entire city ablaze. “King has told me so many wonderful things about you.”
She’d made certain to dress her best for this meeting, selecting a black turtleneck dress, high heeled black boots, and a dainty brass and crystal necklace with a musical note pendant. Her hair was gelled to death and pulled back into a slick ponytail, adorned with a crystal violin shaped pendant she’d turned into a hair pin. She’d worked hard on this look. Hell, she’d spent twenty minutes on her damn edges alone.
The older gentleman, so elegant in his white Armani suit, dripped with class, energy, and mystery. He gracefully took her hand and kissed it.
“King, you once again have proven you have exquisite taste.” Suri smiled at his words, but King didn’t. In fact, he looked aggravated and a bit possessive. Jealous. She swallowed a laugh.
“So, where is this person you want me to meet about the shirts?” King rubbed his hands together, looking about in all directions inside the large, empty office building.
“Coming. Please, have something to drink.” As soon as the man spoke, a woman dressed in an off-shoulder white gown approached, offering white wine in flute glasses. Excited, Suri took one and winked at King. He grimaced at her, but hey, what did he expect? It was free wine! He reluctantly grabbed a glass and Mr. Boss Man took the last. The woman who served them disappeared just as fast as she appeared.
“What is this place exactly?” Suri asked, her boots clicking against the glossy white floor as she walked toward a large diamond-shaped window.
“It’s called the Bentley. It’s a place that is used exclusively for fashion shows and related fashion events.”
“Ahhh, I see.” She looked up at the vast chandeliers. They were absolutely stunning. A mixture of crystal and empire light fixtures. They work well together in here.
“King tells me you do professional hotel and restaurant staging?”
“Yes, I do.” She smiled. “It’s not consistent work, but I enjoy it.”
“It supplements your income?” She nodded. “So, you have an eye for beautiful things, such as yourself?”
King made a show of clearing his throat before she could respond.
“Well, I enjoy aesthetically pleasing environments. In this chaotic world, having serenity and order, in our personal indoor sanctuaries, I think is essential.”
“It most certainly is. Like the love and adoration of a beautiful woman such as yourself. King’s a lucky man.” Ricky raised his glass in the air as if to do a toast, then winked.
“That’s enough.”
“That’s enough of what?”
“Ricky, stop flirting with my woman.”
“What? Flirting?” The man burst out laughing and looked about as if caught in a whirlwind of confusion. His acting was atrocious.
“Don’t play dumb. You and I both know what you’ve been doin’. You didn’t hire me because I’m stupid. All these slick compliments, it’s mad disrespectful. Now, come on, this is about business. So, let’s act like it.” He pursed his lips. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
The older gentleman seemed greatly amused.
“You’re awfully ballsy today, King. I was just being nice. I always kill ’em with kindness.” There was bite in the man’s words, as if he were in some way insulted, or delivering double meanings perhaps, too?
Suri noticed how the two dominant men locked eyes. King glared at Ricky, and Ricky glared right back. The mood had shifted, the energy changed. She felt as if she were some place she shouldn’t be. As if there was more here than met the eye.
“Ricky, I’m not going to bend over backwards or beg anyone for anything. You came to me, not the other way around. I don’t owe you anything but a good job managing your store, making sure your sales stay up, and that your customers are happy and employees getting to work on time. I have something to offer as much as you do, so don’t—”
“King—” Ricky started in a calm, even tone, as if trying to soothe a rabid dog.
“I’m speaking. Don’t do something and then try to act like I’m crazy and imagined it all. Don’t try to play me, man. I don’t respond well to shit like this. Just because you’ve given me an opportunity to get some of my designs on something that could really go somewhere doesn’t mean you now own me. Nobody owns me but me.” King pointed to his chest. “You can’t treat me like one of your flunkies. I know that’s what you’re used to, ass-kissers, but I’m not like that, all right? I’m a man, not a kid, and I brought my girlfriend with me because I wanted her to meet you. That might have been a mistake.”
I shouldn’t have come…
“King, you’re overreacting.” The man gave a devilish smirk, then sipped on his wine.
“I’m not overreacting to shit. I ignored the first two times you did it, so the free passes are over. This is my woman.” He pointed at Suri, but kept his eye on Ricky. “We both know how you are with the ladies, so stay focused. If the shoe were on the other foot, you’d try to snap my back in half, man. You’ve got me fucked up.” King’s voice rose, and Suri couldn’t recall ever hearing him yell before. It was jarring. Frightening. The look in his eyes registered unadulterated rage.
Ricky’s brow rose as he kept sipping on his wine.
“King, it’s fine. He was just being friendly,” Suri interjected, determined to suck the air out of the toxic balloon blowing up right in front of her face.
“A clown is friendly, too. Pennywise and John Wayne Gacy were clowns. I never did like the circus.” King and Ricky stared each other down with death glares.
“Uh, you know what? There was a really sweet looking boutique right on the corner here. You know baby, the one we drove past?” She began to walk backwards, hitching her thumb in the direction of the exit. “I’m going to excuse myself and go there. I need a new candy dish for my living room. I’ll be back in thirty minutes, forty tops.”
Before either man could speak, she rushed right out the glass double doors.
“You’re territorial. A predator.” Ricky began to pace back and forth. “I meant what I said. She’s beautiful.”
“You’re stating the obvious.”
“Am I? I don’t think so. Not everyone is beautiful, King. Your significant other has a rare loveliness, though. She’s got class, mixed with a dash of hippie, a bit of edginess, two scoops of businesswoman and an old soul, and I could see how someone such as yourself would be attracted to her.” Damn. He pretty much summed her up completely, and he just met her. Maybe he’s good at reading people, too. I kinda hate how much Ricky and I have in common. “If it weren’t for her height… she is entirely too short…” he stated flippantly, “she could do a bit of the new modeling that’s all the rage now. You know, with unconventional beauties that have a little something extra to their look that draws people in.
What is she? Five-six?” King just stared at him, refusing to answer. “Anyway, she has a distinctive style and air about her. There’s something about her, like a light that glows from within, while you dance in shadows.”
Ricky’s lip curled on one end as he pointed directly at him. “Shadows need light to move and be seen. I get it. You need that.” King’s heart started to beat faster. “You turn from your typical calm demeanor to a complete monster when it comes to that woman you covet.”
King crossed his arms. He began to think this was bad judgment. Perhaps it was a sign from God when he thought he’d be fired. A sign to leave, to walk away from this job. Ricky was a strange man. A dangerous man. A talented man who kept his true intentions under wraps until the very last second.
Much like him. He was Ricky without the money. However, his seemingly odd obsession with Suri now, he found curious and disturbing. King, had done some digging on him, too. Moral of the story? Ricky wasn’t someone you’d want to cross, to get on his bad side, and he also wasn’t someone you’d allow to walk all over you. He had way more influence than he let on. People acted differently at the mere mention of his name in the New York fashion game. King knew much more about Ricky now, and it was like walking a tightrope to be part of his circle.
“Well? Aren’t you going to become angry because I called you a monster in regard to that woman?”
“No. It’s true. So what?”
“So what? You’re missing my point, King. It’s not a matter of it being true or used as an insult. It means that under your typically calm demeanor, you have a trigger. Every man on the planet has one. I’ve been trying to find yours for weeks. I know of something that makes you angry, when toyed with or threatened, but not an actual trigger. Now I do. Suri. I’m disappointed in myself. Usually, it only takes me twenty-four hours or less to figure that out in someone. But then, you brought yours with you… walked right in here with her. Thank you. Mystery solved.” The man smiled big and wide, as if he’d found the answer to the meaning of life. “We’re far too much alike. It’s astounding, really. I should’ve guessed it sooner, and yes to your statement earlier.”